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Removal of the uterus through an abdominal incision +/- removal of tubes and ovaries
Removal of the uterus through a midline incision +/- removal of tubes and ovaries +/- removal of lymph nodes if cancer is present
An abortion is the procedure to end a pregnancy so it does not result in the birth of a baby. It may be considered for due to personal circumstances, a health risk to the mother or a serious abnormality of the baby.
Surgical removal of an abscess / infected gland (painful collection of pus) in the femal genitals after other treatments hace failed, such soaking in warm water, pain killers and antibiotics. It is usually done under general anaesthetic
Examination +/- surgery of tissues and organs in the abdomen with keyhole surgery (to find out about underlying problems for abdominal pain or discomfort, such as adhesions, infection, cyst etc.)
Removal of an ectopic pregnancy (growth of the fetus outside the womb), usually laparoscopically (keyhole surgery) to remove the egg or fetus. It normally does not reduce your chances of becoming pregnant again.
Removal of residual pregnancy tissue in the uterus after a miscarriage (to reduce the risk of bleeding & infection)
Removal of the uterus through the vagina
Removal of the uterus through an abdominal incision +/- removal of tubes and ovaries
Removal of the uterus through a midline incision +/- removal of tubes and ovaries +/- removal of lymph nodes if cancer is present
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