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FESS = Functional Endoscopic Surgery of the Sinuses (Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nose and sinuses using an endoscopy through the nose)
Removal of a foreign body from the ear under anaesthesia
Removal of a foreign body from the nose under anaesthesia
Insertion of tiny tubes into the eardrum (one ear or both ears) following a small incision in the eardrum (myringotomy)
Chemical burning (with silver nitrate) of the small blood vessels in the frontal part of the nose
Removal of mastoid air cells from the back of the ear
Closure of a hole in the eardrum with own tissue (muscle fascia usually taken between forehead and ear)
Correction / Manipulation of a fractured nose MUA = Manipulation under Anaesthesia
Removal of growth from the inside of the nostril (usually done endoscopically, FESS)
Surgical procedure to tongue base and soft palate in patients with socially unacceptable snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea
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