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General Surgery

Removal of lower leg/knee and formation of a stump (after trauma or with underperfusion due to vascular disease)
Surgical removal of the rectum (lowest part of the large bowel)
Surgical removal of the distal colon (part of the large bowel), rectum, and anal sphincter complex using both anterior abdominal and perineal incisions. A permanent colostomy / stoma is formed (the end of the bowel is brought to the surface of the left abdomen). It has been developed more than 100 years ago, and it remains an important tool in the treatment of rectal cancer. However, with surgical advances, the operation may be carried out with keyhole surgery, and the anal sphincter may be preserved.
Laparoscopic removal of the appendix (with key hole surgery)
Removal of the appendix (open with incision)
Identification and surgical removal of lymph nodes from the armpit (axilla), in patients with breast cancer and lymph node metastasis. The lymph nodes is then examined in the pathology lab whether cancer cells are present.
Harvesting of fat tissue from the abdominal (stomach) wall with the use of a syringe. This fat is then injected into the required areas to build up the appropriate areas of the breast.
Laparoscopic removal of the gall bladder (keyhole surgery)
Removal of the gall bladder via an incision below your right ribs
Procedure where a flexible thin tube (fibreoptic scope) is inserted into the large bowel from the back passage. A biopsy may be taken and sent to the lab for microscopical assessment. It is used for investigation purposes to find ulcers, polyps, tumours, inflamed areas or bleeding.
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