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Surgical delivery of one or more babies by an incision in the lower abdomen (as a planned operation)
Surgical delivery of one or more babies by an incision in the lower abdomen (urgent)
Removal of an ectopic pregnancy (growth of the fetus outside the womb), usually laparoscopically (keyhole surgery) to remove the egg or fetus. It normally does not reduce your chances of becoming pregnant again.
Insertion of an epidural catheter at the lower back to relieve labour pain
Insertion of an epidural catheter at the lower back to relieve labour pain
Manual removal of placenta (MROP) is the evacuation of the placenta from the uterus by hand. A hand is inserted through the vagina into the uterine cavity and the placenta is detached from the uterine wall and then removed manually.
Tears are common in women having a vaginal birth and range from small nicks and abrasions to deep lacerations affecting several pelvic floor muscles. A tear that also involves the muscle that controls the anus (the anal sphincter) is known as a third-degree tear. If the tear extends further into the lining of the anus or rectum it is known as a fourth-degree tear. Overall, a third- or fourth-degree tear occurs in about 3 in 100 women having a vaginal birth. It is slightly more common with the first vaginal birth, occurring in 6 in 100 women, compared with 2 in 100 women who have had a vaginal birth previously.

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