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Internal Fixation of a neck of femur fracture with screws and a plate
Surgical removal (excision) of an irritating or painful lesion or lump under the skin in any area of the body. A sample will be sent to the lab and analysed under the microscope for cancer cells.
Replacement of the femoral head and the counterpart in the pelvis with a prosthesis after a neck of femur fracture
Removal of the femoral head without prosthesis with limited mobility after the operation
Replacement of the femoral head with a prosthesis after a neck of femur fracture
Removal of the old hip joint and replacement with an artificial joint
Removal of K-wires after a fracture / bony infury (e.g. from the finger, wrist, elbow, knee)
Examination and surgery of the knee (with key hole surgery) (e.g. for washout, removal of a torn cartilage or a loose body)
Removal of the old knee joint and replacement with an artificial joint
Removal of the old knee joint and replacement with another artificial joint
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