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Operations - P

Drainage of pus from an abscess around the anus (back passage)
Drainage of pus from an abscess between the anus backpassage and the genitalia
Surgical removal of the eye lens and replacement with an artificial implant (plastic lens)
A flexible thin and long catheter (very thin plastic tube) is inserted into one of the veins at the inside of the elbow. It is threated into the vein until its tip sits in a large vein above the heart.It can be used for chemotherpy, feeding, iv-fluids and certain medications.
Blood will be taken, centrifuged for 10-15 minutes and a small fraction of it (the platelet and growth factor rich phase, 5-10x as much as in whole blood) will be injected into a joint or around a tendon for longer lasting pain relief in acute and chronic pain conditions (e.g. damaged cartilage in the knee or inflammation of tendons, such as tennis elbow). The treatment may be repeated every few weeks for up to 3-6 times.
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