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Operations - T

  Surgical laying open and examination of a testicle with a possible torsion.
Tears are common in women having a vaginal birth and range from small nicks and abrasions to deep lacerations affecting several pelvic floor muscles. A tear that also involves the muscle that controls the anus (the anal sphincter) is known as a third-degree tear. If the tear extends further into the lining of the anus or rectum it is known as a fourth-degree tear. Overall, a third- or fourth-degree tear occurs in about 3 in 100 women having a vaginal birth. It is slightly more common with the first vaginal birth, occurring in 6 in 100 women, compared with 2 in 100 women who have had a vaginal birth previously.
Injection of local anaesthetic and steroid into or around the facet joints on the right and/or left side of the spine in an area between the neck and the lower back for non-specific thoracic spine pain.
Injection of local anaesthetic and steroid next to the facet joints on the right and/or left side of the spine between the neck and the lower back for thoracic spine pain. This injection numbs the nerves that supply the facet joints.
Removal of the whole or part of the thyroid gland (front of the neck)
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